I don't need your smile to halt my breathing. I don't need your eyes to reflect the same need I feel in my insides each time I look at you. I don't need to see the rippling of your muscles that makes my body respond, treacherous as ever, overriding my common sense.
I don't need you to enable me to sabotage what I have, what I know is good for me.

I can easily throw myself at you, allow myself to be used and abused in each and every way imaginable because at this moment, when I see you standing before me, I want you.
So what of the bloody consequences? Life happens only once and those wankers preaching afterlife are fooling themselves. If it's only one ride, why not make it count?
It's simple really.
I'll forget I have something good and pure that may come to be something permanent, if only for a stretch of time, long enough to satisfy these urges.
Think of me what you will, but I want you just the same. I don't care who knows. I don't care what opinions may rain on me. I'm not one to advocate conscience. Not if it gets in the way of what I want and right now, I want you.
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